Creating Rasters with Python

I found this module very interesting because rasters are not something that I deal with on a daily basis.  My day to day involves points, lines, and polygons.  As a result, rasters carry a mystique to me that is somewhat intimidating.  After this module, however, I'm more confident than ever in working with rasters.

The assignment involved created a raster from from ideal parameters found within two separate raster files from a provided fGDB.  By using map algebra expressions and creating variables for slope and aspect calculations, five different raster objects were merged and saved into one final raster file within a new fGDB that the script also created.  I also found it very useful to learn how to programatically check in and out Esri extensions from a stand-alone script.  One issue that was cumbersome to get around was an overwrite error when creating a new fGDB.  This would occur after opening the saved raster file in a map view from within ArcGIS Pro.  To resolve this, I removed the raster from the map view, saved the project file, and closed ArcGIS Pro and the Spyder IDE.  After relaunching Spyder and running the script again, the error would disappear and the fGDB would overwrite normally.


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