Map Elements & Typography

     To create a custom base map, I chose from the New Map dropdown selection found in the Layer group of the Map tab.  From the map properties, I changed the coordinate system by selecting the Current XY button and choosing from the selection.  I uploaded this as a Web Map from the Share tab.  Once the Basemap is shared, the data can be imported to Adobe Illustrator.  I manually drew the extent of the main map around the islands and adjusted the size of the artboard to something logical.  After, add the content of the previously shared Web Map in the ArcGIS Maps: Compilation window.

     I repeated the same process of creating another extent around all of South Florida.  This will serve as the location inset as far north as Tampa Bay.  I created another layer for a neat line and changed the color to a blue to intuitively represent the ocean.  To create a scale bar, I used ArcGIS Online to measure from two specific points; one at Duck Key and the other at Boot Key.  As the crow flies, it’s 14 miles between the two points.  I drew a line from the two points in AI, rotated it horizontal without changing the length (holding shift and clicking a vertex).  I then scaled the line down by 50%, creating a line representing seven miles in my map.  I drew a few additional lines to create a scale bar with a 3 ½ & 7-mile marker.

     When inputting the labels, I had to adjust the space between letters and the space between rows of words.  This was to fit the locations of the keys within small landmasses.  By using intuitive symbols and distinct nature of the few points in this map, I did not include a legend.  To create the North arrow, I simply created a line perpendicular to the bottom edge of the neat line and put a 45-degree dogleg at the end to represent an arrow.  After, I put a large N underneath it to make my north indicator.  

One thing about AI that was pretty annoying is how to navigate through the extent of the map.  I'm used to using the scroll on the mouse to zoom in and out, so shortcuts came in very handy for this.  I went for a less is more touch with this map.  If I were to do it again, I'd use a better color for the county layers, something not as sharp. 


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