3D Visualization and Analysis

This week’s assignment involved 3D visualization, viewshed analysis, line of sight analysis, and a tutorial for sharing 3D content online.  Needless to say, this aspect of ArcPro has countless applications for modern day dilemas.  All exercises were of real-world scenarios that were completely relatable, like deciding on lights for a campground based on area illumination and determining appropriate vantage points for security personnel during a parade.  I had not dabbled too much with 3D in ArcPro previously, so this was a really fun module for me.  Very useful tools like Feature to 3D by Attribute and Construct Sight Lines were introduced to me and definitely demystified 3D visualization and analysis.  Tips like the necessity of converting extruded polygons to Multipatch features to share from a scene layer package will save an immense amount of time rather than my typical Guess and Check method. 


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